Frequently Asked Questions:

*Many of these answers are specific to the species of mushrooms your are growing and can be found on the instructions included in your package.

  • All mushrooms are magic, but none of the species we sell will make you see things.

  • A flush is the period when the mycelium fruits, generally every four to six weeks depending on the species you are growing. Some mushrooms like Lions Mane can fruit continuously.

  • The period in which the mycelium is not producing fruit. Some mushrooms fruit in cycles and others do not.

  • Simply cut holes in them and add water! *view the mushroom kit care page for more info

  • * Mushroom kits can produce generally 2-5 lbs per flush depending on the species. Normal Reishi kits will produce about a pound which is generally very good for this species. Of course these are generalities and vary depending on environmental controls.

  • * Please refer to your instructions specific to the species of mushroom you are growing. 

  • Mushrooms can be mature at various stages of growth. You can harvest your mushrooms when they are small or large depending on your preference.

  • *Please refer to the instructions included with your kit.

  • If it is in a small area you can treat it with hydrogen peroxide. If it all over the kit, it might mean that your mushroom is dead or dying. If it is not an old kit, please contact your supplier.

  • Green or bright yellow molds are the most concerning. Good mycelium will take on the look of a fluffy white mold and that is good!

  • If your mushroom has been dormant for about 4-6 weeks you can soak the kit in water to stimulate fruiting bodies.